[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

x-file exposure : part (II)

assalamualaikum semua :)

saya nak sambung pendedahan x-file yang seterusnya. walaupun agak lama jaraknya dengan yang part (I) hari tu, tapi itulah.. keadaan semasa agak tidak stabil. kena bagi keadaan tenang dulu. dan here you go. alhamdulillah dapat sambung balik. hee :)

tapi ini just a quick sharing je tau. 
last time hari tu stop kat sharing Sh Omar Suleiman kan.
orait kita sambung.

a talk about 'Monsta in Laws' by Sh Daood Butt as match maker (haha!).

mengikut cacatan saya kat buku kecik ni.. 
saya tulis dalam point form. 
tak ingat sangat dah elaboration dia..huhu -__-"

"marriage is hardwork.."

  • for being chosen, just be natural as you are.
  • bring the family ties together.
  • discouraging your couple to be disrespectful his/her parents.

for the parents-in-law, 
  • get over the issues. discuss.
  • stop being overprotective.
  • don't be jealous.

lepas tu, saya bergegas ke Workshops Program's room. namun sudah terlambat.. talk 'Marriage From Ground Zero' by Raya Shokatford sempat sikit je saya join untuk minit-minit terakhir. huaaa sayang sangattttt. rasa macam nak pergi kat cameraman yang dok record tu, nak mintak kat dia recording talk tu.. ~____~

satu ni je yang dapat saya quoted daripada Puan Raya Shokatford;

"don't surrender.. just because of your past.."

next is my favourite speaker~~! heee. yup she was there! hoyeayyy! :D
a sharing about 'Finding Happiness in Marriage' by Yasmin Mogehad. she shared about a simple concept but quite difficult to istiqamah in our daily life..huu

detached our hearts from this dunya.
have zuhud.

"when Allah loves me, people will loves me."

- approval
- acceptance

from Allah first needed to be seek, then others second. 


I'm Married, Get Me Out of Here! 
wohOo~ that's the tittle of Sh Tariq Appleby's talk.

"if you loves Allah, do it the best way.."

he highlighted on communication skills. 
the communication skills SO IMPORTANT.
indeed. could't agreed more. 

for your information, this Seminar ended around 10 pm. myself dah tersengguk-sengguk jugak sebenarnya~~ haha. the final talk was by Sh Yahya Ibrahim.

A Honeymoon 4 Life. kerekkkk abis tajuk talk. hahahhahaha :DD
watch out everybody, semua participants yang balik dari Marriage Seminar ni considered married already dah tauuu. siap dah berhoneymoon lagi. oh my God. how i'm going to explain this to my husband?? haha! :P so senget. preparation before marry okay semua adik-adik (bajet yang baca blog ni kebanyakkan umur bawah daripada saya. haha) tapi yang dah cukup umur la untuk mendirikan rumahtangga. 

he shared about the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).

things to do with our family members :

1. eat together.

"family that eats together, stay together."

2. a thought of our spouse. gives gift.

3. give space for a sit beside you to your wife.

4. give to them to what you ask for you in equally.

"what you ask, you give."

5. express your love.

6. be generous.

7. give more than you take.

Rumaysa in her first hijab ever. with her real Mama. hee :) cuteness overdose.

and with that, i thank you
for reading this. hee. and do share it with others 
andddd your loved one. till then.
let's practise it~! haha. :D

spread the lovessss-out-aloud.
or even.. in silence.


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