[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Monday, February 9, 2015

mana mungkin tak tersenyum (ii)

sebelum teruskan dengan list yang berikutnya, saja saya nak explain jap apa yang ada saya tulis dalam part (i). sebab aritu macam dah penat nak taip kan, jadi stop takat yang termampu. tentang yang family tu..maybe there are something like this sparkle in your head..

untunglaa~ background family kau okay je suma..kalau yang dari family yang porak peranda macam mana? 

untunglaa~ family kau treat kau baik je. takda kena marah dahsyat2 ke, kena pukul ke..boleh la cakap tu.

untunglaa~ adik beradik kau takda la teruk mana pun. cuba tengok keluarga lain luar sana, macam-macam jadi..sama-sama adik beradik bunuh-bunuh sebab rebut harta segala bagai..kau cerita pasal family yang bagus je boleh la nak sayang sana sini.

untunglaa~ mak ayah kau faham nak didik anak-anak macam mana. at least dorang ada kesedaran agama nak bimbing anak-anak..abes tu, macam mana dengan parents yang tak amek hirau langsung tentang semua tu..



dan apa-apa ajalah yang "senada" dengannya~

somehow, the word "untunglaa" yang jadi trend sekarang ni sounds really annoying. seriously. -__-" 

ok, back to main topic. sebenarnya, dats the point! apa yang saya nak sampaikan itulah..

the list goes on with friend. 

2) kawan

beberapa hari yang lalu,
akhirnya.. bumi ini dijejak kembali,
ahhh..nak tak nak, kena kuatkan hati,
anak-anak tangga dinaiki,
kamar pintu dibuka,
beg kotak ungu terlihat di atas meja,
"happy belated birthday!" tertulis di atas kad kuning,
melihatnya, mana mungkin tak tersenyum.

"hai librarian~!"
ehhh? kenapakah?
cis, geng ahli rumah yang suka menyakat mula bersuara dari arah belakang,
"ehh bukan study pun kat library, buat PBL (Problem Based Learning) la!"
mereka terkekeh-kekeh ketawa,
kita sama kasus (case) kan. buat apa yang WD (working diagnosis) & DD (differential diagnosis)?
"tadi kat library tak ada eh?" sambil tersengih nakal. menyakat lagi.
cis sekali lagi, kurang asam. kena sakat lagi. ahli rumah sorang ni la~
cari-cari meja makan, haa ada pun..korang, nak dok sini, 
tak leh, tak leh..
tapi dengan sakat-sakat mereka, hati terhibur,
menceriakan hari-hari dalam hidup, mana mungkin tak tersenyum.

suasana hening di dalam kelas,
lecturer sedang mengajar, serius mukanya,
semua yang mendengar buat-buat paham,
tiba-tiba, kedengaran bunyi hanset bergema,
riang ria bunyi ringtone dimatikan dengan tenang oleh pelajar tersebut,
"relax je dia matikan handphone. kalau opah..." ayatnya disambung dengan ketawa kecil,
haha. iya iya, kalau saya gelabah macam apa je. tak termati-mati bunyi handphone tu,
cari hanset tak jumpa-jumpa, kalut sangat dok selongkor beg. haihh.
tapi teringat kisah-kisah semalam yang ntah apa-apa tu pun, geli hati,
tersenyum sendiri. 

"plis dont hurt urself like dat. it seems unbearable. paralyse jiwa nnti. sahabat, kuat kuat lagi plis. if u keep hurt urself like dat, it hurts me too. Allah bagi ujian pada titik terkuat kamu. percayalah. ya, itu pinjaman terindah. xkat sni, akhirat kan ada." 
(drawing above credited to a friend of mine; Masmuna Solleh)

"xpe..insyaAllah, mesti ada si warna warni cun sedang tggu nak jelmakan diri di dada langit hidup awak. mesti ada si kecil comel yg semangat nak munculkan dri dia sokmo di muka langit malam untuk awak."

semuanya Dia dah atur cantik cantik untuk awak. believe it. ^^

give. yes.. You give too much. macam tak layak je nak dapat suma ni..
until sometimes.. i'm scared.
because, one day.. i know You will take it back.
i scared You take too much, in which i cant handle it.



scared. im still scared.

·       "The creation is like a knife. If you put it in your heart, it cuts. The deeper you put it, the deeper, and more it cuts. You must hold it in your hand. But even in your hand, you have to hold it in the right way. If you hold it from the sharp end, it will cut your hand. And the harder, and longer you hold on, when holding it wrong, the more and deeper it will cut your hand. The solution is to let go. Then hold it again, but this time from the handle."
-Yasmin Mogahed (if i'm not mistaken..huhu)

"This life is going to look, sound and feel, very, very real. At times it's going to scare us. At times it's going to make us cry. At times it's going to make us flee to illusions for shelter. But this life and everything in it is only a test. And just like the test of the emergency broadcast system, it is simply meant to see how we respond and to train us for the part that is real. This life is a training for the Real life beyond it."

·          "People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Be good anyway. Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People need help but will attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."

·          "As soon as you realize that the cure is sometimes painful, you will begin to see everything that has ever hurt you as just the needle administering the vaccine."

This is exactly why we should never judge by appearance,
sometimes the little, God gives you, is very deep :)

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