[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Sunday, May 27, 2012



be a blazing fire of truth
be a soothing balm of peace
with the light of your sincerity
breaks the clouds of tyranny
let your faith be like a blessed tree
give your shade to all who seek
may your roots run true and deep

shine your mercy like the sun
and be gracious as the earth
let your kindness come like rain 
that cares not whom it falls upon
and let ocean deep your wisdom be
your heart and lanterns spreading peace
give yourself in love of Him

and stand before Allah like nothing else exists
and worship Him like you are seen
be with all creation and all your deeds and words
as though you have no self to please

be humble as the lonely earth
that all creatures walk up on
be the slave of the Most Merciful
let your kindness flow like rivers
quench the thirst of all who come
and let mountain strong your spirit be
let your heart melt out love for Him
take the road that leads to Him

and in your deepest needs
and in your deepest grieve
call on Him in humility
place your trust in the One
to whom creation turns
you'll find redemption and find peace


as-saff (61): 1-14. a deep reflection. hold on.

soul_diagnosis: as the whispering breeze, spead solace to the world; let your heart and soul be mirror clear. let the tranquility  seeps in. serenity in the air.

3 sharing words:


kaknah, kte baru lepas baca ayat ni semalam =')

" let your heart and soul be mirror clear " sukaa :DD

jazakillahkhair for the reminder. ayuh la berusaha. dan jangan mati lagi.yOsh !

p/s : bukan surah ke 16..ke 36 la kak nah :D hee
eh salah..

surah 61 laaa =p
haah la. tersalah. no surah tu terbalik. bukan 16, tapi 61. jazakillahukhair yong betulkan. :)