[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



hadir untuk menguji dan diuji.





"Heres what I've learned: The creation is like a knife. If you put it in your heart, it cuts. The deeper you put it, the deeper, and more it cuts. You must hold it in your hand. But even in your hand, you have to hold it in the right way. If you hold it from the sharp end, it will cut your hand. And the harder, and longer you hold on, when holding it wrong, the more and deeper it will cut your hand. The solution is to let go. Then hold it again, but this time from the handle." 

kita toleh ke  belakang. untuk itu dan ini. banyak perkara yang kita tak faham kenapa perlu terjadi? tunduk dan diam..tunduk dan diam. kosong.. tunduk lagi. diam lagi.. ya, tentu Allah ada reason. mungkin esok, lusa kita akan faham dan tersenyum, "oo patut la dulu jadi macam tu, macam ni.." mungkin juga, kata-kata ini akan terucap setahun, dua tahun akan datang. owh tidak. mungkin saja lima, enam, tujuh atau sepuluh tahun akan datang sekalipun. ya, suatu hari nanti; hikmahnya akan kita sedar. 

"There are pieces of your life, moments, events, decisions, and you saw no  significance in them when they happen. You may even despair. Its only when time goes by and you look back and suddenly you can see your whole life like a perfectly designed puzzle. Dont be afraid of the puzzle piece youre in now. It'll fit perfectly...just like the rest. How could it not? The Designer is perfect."

soul_diagnosis: for now you can't see it clearly because your puzzle is not complete yet. just wait and see dear. trust Him. utter it slowly, deep inside..alhamdulillah ya Allah, for every single thing. :')

2 sharing words:

sukaa :)

p/s : nak tersenyum (ii) ! =P
-__-" anonymous la sgt kan adik sorg ni. hehe :p tersenyum (ii) xnak muncul la. biar dia menyepi dlu eh. hihi