[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Monday, March 14, 2011


i saw her.

she is trying... very hard. again and again.

and learning..

many "new" things that happens around her.


erti hidup pada memberi . . . ?

dia selalu dengar tetapi jarang memanifestasikan dalam hidupnya.

bila jiwa yang sempit itu Dia buka biar terbentang  l u a s.

menjadikan luasnya seluas barat dan timur.

. . .  .  .  .  terasa. sungguh, nikmat memberi yang tiada tolok bandingannya. hadiah yang indah, tak mahu apa2 lagi. cukup. penuh. terisi.

sejuk dan damai..

this feeling. keep it within her.

ya Allah, no matter what, no matter how, please....deeply, please.. ya Allah..

guide her.
hold her.
grip her.

in path, towards You.



do pray for her.

she is too "fragile" somehow.


and i hope, i only hope..
she just fine.
fully under the best guardian of all; The Almigthy.
zutto. zutto. (always. always)

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