[ soul-diagnosis ]

the never ending soul diagnosis towards Him; The Creator of All Souls.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


" Pain is necessary for living.
                                                                                                                                    -Prof Ian Passcher

soul_diagnosis: penat kamu isi, kamu musnahkan begitu saja? hey, make it sense!

Monday, November 7, 2011

a gift

Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself

Cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone

It's easy to feel like you don't need help

But it's harder to walk on your own

You'll change inside when you realize

The world comes to life and everything's bright
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find the beauty you are
When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend
The gift of a friend

Someone who knows when you're lost and you're scared
And there through the highs and the lows
Someone you can count on, someone who cares
Beside you wherever you'll go

You'll change inside when you realize

The world comes to life and everything's bright

From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side

That helps you to find the beauty you are

When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend

And when your hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground you, you feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no signs leading you home, you're not alone

The world comes to life and everything's bright
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find the beauty you are
When you open your heart and believe in
When you believe in, when believe in the gift of a friend

friend; you are gift from Him.

precious one.

colouring my life beautifully.




hontou arigato nehh, 

deeply from the bottom of my heart.


soul_diagnosis: dulu saya kurang tahu, kurang reti, kurang benar2 faham bagaimana yang dikatakan "uhibbukifillah". sekarang, terima kasih yang tak terhingga untuk kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu dan kamu yang banyak mengajar saya erti mendalam yang berselindung disebalik kosa kata "uhibbukifillah" ini. satu kata yang cukup bermakna. kerna, bila semuanya kerana Dia; memang indah, cukup indah. cantik sekali. above all, thank you Ya Allah. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. untuk setiap satu rasa ini. telah saya bekukan biar teresap sampai bila bila. :')

Saturday, November 5, 2011




the choosen one. 






keras kepala

tak nak dengar cakap

pekakkan telinga

butakan mata

batukan hati







ya . . m e m b a n t a h.





suma tu . . . k i t a  la kan ?

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menjelaskan berulang-ulang kepada manusia dalam Al-Quran ini dengan bermacam-macam perumpamaan. Tetapi manusia adalah memang yang paling banyak  m e m b a n t a h."
       [Al-Kahf 18 : 54]

kita; terpilih untuk hidup di muka bumi ini. 
hanya untuk membantahkah kerja kita?


soul_diagnosis: hey soul, jangan membantah bantah plisss. huu.

togather in the storm.

lima hari lepas, saya terbaca status ini di laman mukabuku Aqsa Syarif. 

Breaking News: Palestine won 2/3 vote to join UNESCO. [via Celcom SMS]

 ·  ·  · October 31 at 11:11pm via mobile · 

time tu, macam blur blur tak faham sangat. hinggalah...muncul banyak link video ini di seantero dunia memenuhi laman mukabuku.

kamu tahu, kalaulah tika itu kamu berada di hadapan saya saat saya selesai saja melihat video ini. habis la kamu. memang kena peluk kuat kuat dengan saya. habis basah bahu kamu. 

just one word. alhamdulillah.

im so weak. keep crying here and there. so unbearable. ntah hape hape la. cant handle it. but.. i dont know why. why. why. im just cant resist this. im trying so hard to put this in my soul; do something for your ummah please. do something. give something. contribute something. not just wait and see. not just smile and cry. act please.






Allahu musta'an.




buat kamu yang pernah saya basahi bahu, ayuh~! 
i wont letting you go. ever. insyaAllah. hold my hand.
but please, give me your hand too.. i wanna clutch it.
i just cant without it. you part of my strength.

lets... cling togather in the storm.

soul_diagnosis: hey soul, mampukah kamu? xpe.. biar satu dunia tak nampak, tapi Dia nampak. Dia tahu kan. usaha is the key. result is the keychain after all. beat yourself higher towards Him!